These pictures and video--all done by stunningly talented Nashville photographer and filmmaker Jace Freeman--should be enough to show why we have such burdened and heavy hearts for the people of Haiti.
Notice the date on the chalkboard is the date of the earthquake.
A Haitian boy attending a funeral shortly after the Earthquake.
A young girl cares for a baby as others look on.
Children standing on the rubble left from the earthquake.
Haitian children LOVE Jace and his camera. They are fascinated.
Moments of joy in the midst of destruction and sorrow.
Sweet faces. How can you forget them?
And then there is the film work that Jace is doing to show the relief work going on in Haiti. He was even able to board the USS Comfort (what an appropriate and perfect name for a ship helping with relief, huh??) and see the medical effort underway. Husband was particularly jealous that Jace got to ride a hovercraft. :) Men and their fascination with big toys...what are you going to do??
These are short trailers for the film Jace is hoping to finish by the end of the month. I can't wait until the full-length work is finished.
Trailer #1 - A Short Film about Haiti Relief by Jace Freeman from Riley Norfolk on Vimeo.
Trailer #2 from Riley Norfolk on Vimeo.
So, the meal is really just inspired by the deep love Husband and our friends have developed for the people of Haiti. Since I haven't had the privilege of going myself (yet!!), I love living through Jace's imagery. I could stare at his work all day.