I don't know about you, but I have a hard time forcing myself to do the tasks I don't enjoy. I was reading up on my personality type (ENFP, if you must know), and apparently, this is not unusual for those that share my Myers Briggs type. We are excellent starters, and generally terrible closers. I always have a million ideas in my head, but very few of them come to fruition because I get bored of the mundanity that it takes to get. it. done.
I am finishing up my bachelors degree this year--it got put on hold 3 years in when we moved to North Carolina for Husband's first "big boy job". Unfortunately, I couldn't begin out there again right away because I was considered "out of state" for the first year. Well, a year later came...but by then I had a little dude and we were buying a house. Not an ideal time to finish...well, where do I find myself now...we just bought ANOTHER house and I'm expecting ANOTHER little dude. Excellent time to finish! :) Really though, I'm discovering that with each passing year, it gets harder and harder to commit the time to getting. it. done.
I am big on little rewards for doing the things that make you want to yawn, or cry, or both. I get myself a soda when I finish grocery shopping, donuts for Saturday morning as a "job well done" to the family for finishing a good week.
So, in order to keep myself motivated through the drudgery of classes...I've decided on some little gifts to give myself for perservering. I have designated 1 per quarter with Husband already having claimed the 4 and final gift as his own to give. :) Love that man. Anyway, these are my motivating gifts to self.
fossil--quarter one
TOMS--quarter 2
Kayce Hughes--quarter three
These are all things I probably wouldn't have bought myself if not for them being rewards, so this keeps me motivated. They are things just for me--not useful or utilitarian or practical. They are not terribly expensive, but they are simple little extravagances.
Do you give yourself little rewards? What are you having to gear up and motivate yourself for this year?