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Posted on February 25, 2011 at 07:23 AM in Guest Adventurer | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
I love creating a home for the men in my life. Good thing, because I have 3 good men living under my roof...and they love to live in a warm and inviting place. I try to keep things classic, if a bit updated and a tiny modern...and I try not to be too girly. I have my blush pink office (with the desk my hubby built, more on that soooon!), but...other than that this is the approximate color scheme for our house. I've really used gray rather than the khaki color, but this is the palette I started out with. I have used variants of each of these 5 shades in our home so far. Navy, marigold, white, gray, and rust. So, it is natural that I would carry this palette into Twig3's room.
This little illustration is the basis for the design of Twig3's nursery. I use the term "design" and "nursery" loosely, because we've never been about overly stylized and expensive baby rooms. A crib, a rocker, a diaper pail and I'm set. I've learnt that I seem to change diapers on the floor and I hang baby clothes as opposed to folding them.
paint color for top 1/3 of room
board and batten (like above pic) for the bottom 2/3rds
We may paint the board and batten a dove gray to make it less stark, but we'll see when the time comes. As for now, Twig3 is at home in my belly...which is a good thing considering his room is still full of unpacked boxes from our move 5 months ago! We have some work to do in the next 15 weeks!!
Posted on February 22, 2011 at 02:00 AM in Mission Announcement | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
I give in to the “Cult of Hurry”, aka the “Cult of Self-Importance”, aka the “Cult of Pride”. When did “Type A” become a compliment one furtively gives oneself? When did we begin to base our worth on how “busy” or “tired” we are? When did we find it more fruitful to manage our days than to live them?
Read on in my monthly post at Deeper Story, a place where Culture and Christ collide.
Posted on February 21, 2011 at 06:55 AM in Musing | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Twigies! I’m so excited to be here again. I love me some Hayley and that fact that she asked me to guest post again...well, that’s just icing on the cake. I can usually be found over at Pure and Noble chatting about crafts, things around the home or weekly challenges. I’d love for you to pop by for a visit sometime.
Inspirational Blogs - (Before I list my 3 daily reads, I feel I must inform you that I have a problem with blogs. It’s an addiction really. There are so many amazingly creative and talented women out there that inspire the pants off of me. I hate to say it, but there are literally 25-30 daily reads that I could list. Yikes! disclaimer: blogs have replaced my severe magazine addiction and blogs are free as well as personal!)
*Knack Studios – Barb is a dear friend and always inspires me with color and furniture make-overs. She is insanely talented – and pretty darn funny too.
*Under the Sycamore – I love Ashley’s style and how she melds crafting, home, family and amazing photography into one blog. She’s one crafty Mama.
*Today’s Letters – I’ve mentioned my friend Em’s blog here before, but it must be mentioned again! She and her husband Tim have a love for one another, the Lord, life and friends that inspires me. Em makes me laugh, challenges me to find humor and adventure in life and makes me want to be a better wife! Does it get any better than that?
Dream Outfit -
I love that both are simple, comfortable, understated, neutral and stylish without trying too hard.
Dream Office -
I love the white floors, the old sewing machine, typewriter and lighting. Not to mention the amazing map and industrial storage. This office is so the opposite of mine. I think that’s one of the reasons I love it so. I could see this being the hubs office for sure.
Favorite Picture -
This is a picture of me and my hubs on vacation in Portland. We borrowed a friend’s car and drove to the beach one day. It was so amazing. We got lost in looking at all of God’s creation, big and small. I think our joy is captured in this picture as well as the serenity we felt that day.
What I Love About Myself -
I love that I know how to sew. What was once a dying trade is now becoming very popular again and I love that. My Grandmother owned her own clothing company waaaay back in the day and actually sold to JC Penney. Awesomeness. My Mom and I both made our own wedding dresses. When I was making mine I used my Mom’s old Singer, the flower from her veil and she sat beside me giving me confidence and conversation the whole time. It’s a memory I will treasure forever. I hope to one day teach both of my boys how to sew. It’s truly a gift and an art form.
Okay, that’s all I’ve got twigies. I hope you are somehow inspired by what I’ve shared here today. TT, YOU rock the casbah! Xo, Brooke
Posted on February 18, 2011 at 07:14 AM in Guest Adventurer | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
I have a tendency to be a bit buttoned up and high-strung if left to my own devices. I haven't always been this way, but it has been a developing character trait since this moment. I can get going on life, only to realize that I haven't really felt in months.
The human condition (you know...life) can be lonely and dull sometimes, but it wasn't created to be this way. Passion, intimacy, feeling. These are all primary experiences of the human life. This week, I seek to shed my chilly and steady and "good head on my shoulders" self--you know the one that pleases parents and makes life easier for people.
I seek to live the life that I desire, and that is one that is full to the brim with everything life has to offer. I want to be one who notices, one who takes in, one who cries, celebrates beauty, picks a fight that's worth it. I want to teem with excitement and joy and moments that are so good they hurt. I want to cry with those who cry and laugh with those who laugh. I don't want to push feeling away because it just feels like...too much. When did I become afraid to be. too. much.?
Posted on February 14, 2011 at 03:00 AM in Musing | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)